Sakdiphong’s Portfolio
This is my portfolio, which features my profession as a game developer and modeler.
Musica Knight
The game will be a blend of two genres: RPG and Rhythm.Rhythm will be more dynamic because there are specialnotes, so players must decide if they want to hit this noteor not and the RPG aspect is player can go explore and talkwith npcs.

Play password : MusicaKnightTesterM
(If take longer than 3 mins go below and download game)
All game project
This is all the work that I have done throughout my time at university.

Musica Knight

The game will be a blend of two genres: RPG and Rhythm. Rhythm will be more dynamic because there are special notes, so players must decide if they want to hit this note or not and the RPG aspect is player can go explore and talk with npcs.



Hunted is a horror game where the player needs to escape and survive the wendigo while finding out what happened.


Prototype TD

Tower defense game where player need to defense aganist mad AI army.

All Model project
This is all the work that I have done throughout my time at university.
Sakdiphong Sriwachirasri
Nickname : Maew
Age : 21

I am a creative, motivated, and passionate game developer with intermediate proficiency in game design, intermediate proficiency in C#, and an eagerness to learn new things.